Open invitation to play White House Bingo
Anyone can play, the rules are simple. As members of the inner circle, cabinet, appointees, or family members resign, look for better opportunites, or leave home they get checked off. The first to complete a row horizontally, diagonally, or vertically wins. Also, if President Bush resigns, everyone is an automatic winner!

Column 1
Andy Card, White House Chief of Staff; Dept. of State Secretary Condoleezza Rice; Dept. of Education Secretary Margaret Spellings; First Lady Laura Bush, FEMA Director Michael Brown.
Column 2
Dept. of Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns; The Bush Twins; Former President George Bush Sr; Dept. of Labor Secretary Elaine Chao; Supreme Court Nominee Harriet Miers.
Column 3
Dept. of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld; Dept. of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman; President George Bush; House Majority Leader Tom Delay; Former First Lady Barbara Bush.
Column 4
Dept. of Housing & Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson; Vice President Dick Cheney; Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Peter Pace; ‘Barney’ the President’s Dog; Chief Justice Roberts.
Column 5
White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan; Director of White House Faith Based & Community initiatives Jim Towey; Dept. of Treasury Secretary John Snow; Dept. of Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta; Attorney General Alberto Gonzales
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