My Wife for a Starbucks, please!
This morning started as any typical Sunday morning. Late to bed Saturday night, then up at 1, 3, 5, and 7 to let the dogs out (they work on a rotation, taking turns getting me up). Hitting the road (it is best to sneak out during feeding time), I was off on a journey to the big box stores. Now, while that may sound boring to some (most, ok all) out here in Connecticut it has special meaning. Quality of the people? Availability of high end merchandise? Umm, no. It means I will be driving by the closest full retail Starbucks in my area! Those living in the Northwest just don't understand, so I'll try and fill you in on what it is like. In Connecticut, if you close your eyes and throw a rock you'll hit one of three things (in no particular order)
- A Church;
- A Dunkin' Donuts;
- A government employee taking kickbacks.
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