The true history between Brown and Marbury
As most NBA fans know (1,500 or so at last count), this has been a season of disappointment for the New York Knicks. While the team had high expectations with the arrival of Larry Brown, much of the season has been marked by the discord between Brown and their star player Stephon Marbury. In fact, many are already speculating that Marbury will not even be with the team next year. So what has really happened? Are all the problems truly about coaching and playing styles as we have been led to believe by the media? Well, at the Doghouse, we don't take what the media says at face value, so our crack team did a little research (emphasis on little). What we uncovered is a little shocking. It seems that before the season, in a gesture presumed to be purely good will, Larry Brown sent Stephon on an all expense paid, deluxe vacation to South Africa, where he could get some sun, snorkeling, and kayaking in. However, as you can see from this just released photo, it was anything but fun for Marbury this day.

We aren't sure what the greater mystery is, how Larry convinced Stephon that kayaking is actually fun, or how he arranged for the Great White to be on his beach that particular day. Needless to say, this incident greatly cooled the relationship between these two. While nobody can prove Larry sent the shark as a cap cutting measure, the fact that Larry only paid for a one way ticket certainly looks damaging for his case.
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