Warning: Pornographic material contained within.
Western Culture has now truly arrived in the Southwest Pacific. For those of you that may not have heard, Playboy has added Indonesia to its’ list of over 20 countries that receive a form of Hue’s magazine. Rather than make our readers wait for their copies to reach American shores, your diligent and thoughtful Doghouse staff has secreted away some photos from the newest publication.

Here is Miss March. It says she likes poetry, walks on the beach, hates mean people, and loves dogs. Isn't she a coy little thing? Imagine the endless fantasies you will have with her pinned up on your wall.

That ice looks cold but she is so hot. Brrrrrrrrrrr, I get cold just looking at her, but she'll warm you up on those hot winter nights. For those of you more attracted to the athletic woman, this is the playmate that will have you saying, Sasha who? (Personally, I get cold just seeing her on the ice like that... brrrrrrrrrrr.)

No photo spread would be complete without scenes from the beach. Sand, water, and scantily clad women are the earmarks of a great Summer's day, and who wouldn't want to spend the day with this fine lady. Grace, elegance, and stunning beauty, all in one package, I'm ready to dive in myself.
If you want to see the rest, you'll just have to wait for the magazine like everyone else. That is assuming, of course, that the widespread rioting, looting, and burning that is most likely to occur doesn't get to your copies first. Hey, maybe we should have the Danes print up another cartoon to draw the ire of the community away from Playboy.... hmmmmm
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