What is she thinking?

I stumbled upon this picture today taken from a NY Ranger's hockey game. Don't know when, don't know against who, just found the woman's expression troubling. Things don't seem to be going well for her, so your crack Doghouse staff has dedicated the next minute of their lives to figuring out what is running through her mind at this moment in order to help resolve her angst....
- He is so buying me a Prada bag for this;
- I just don't understand why they say ending the hockey strike was a good thing;
- If that kid bangs on the glass one more time I'm going to club him over the head;
- I thought my periods were long;
- Mental note, no more bean burritos before sitting in an icebox... wonder if anyone else smelled that;
- Why don't the greenhouse gasses escape through the hole in the ozone layer? Oh great, my heel is stuck in gum again...;
- When is the 7th inning stretch, I really need to pee;
- If he makes me miss Desperate Housewives again there will be hell to pay.
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