With the Number One Pick
in the NFL Draft, the Houston Texans select to make the biggest mistake in their organizations brief history. The Doghouse will be busy watching the Draft this weekend, but will be sure to report back in on Monday.
Welcome to the Doghouse! If you feel a mind is a terrible thing to waste then you really shouldn’t be reading this blog. If, on the other hand, you enjoy satiric rants, creative graphics, and an oddball view of the world from an assorted bag of mixed nuts, then you have come to the right place! Please leave Comments or send us an email, it lets’ us know we aren’t alone in the Blog world.
A long term welfare recipient walked into the local welfare office, marched straight up to the counter and said, "Hi, I hate drawing welfare. I would really rather find a job."
Well, my time is done, I think I'll go bury his hat now...
With the NFL Draft fast approaching it is time to start preparing for those draft day parties we all love to have. The following is a Doghouse guide to making the most of your party.
These are just a guide of course, I don't want a weeks worth of posts taken up in one blog. Let us know how they work for you!
SI.com is the latest to get on the Joey Bashing train. In a piece of (insert adjective here) work they released recently titled, 'Top Draft Busts of the Modern Era', they named Joey Harrington as the #2 bust of all time. Really? Now, you can question the order they placed players in or wonder why they say 23 but only list 22 players, but you have to wonder how they justify placing Joey on this list. First of all, of the 22 players listed, Joey is the only one currently active in the NFL. Second, if you are going by Joeys stats and performance on the field, than he is not even the #1 bust in his own draft class, that honor would fall to David Carr. Yep, Carr has similar stats, worse TD-INT ratio, slightly fewer wins, and 12 fewer TD passes. Unlike Joey however, the Texans and media feel they haven't done enough to surround him with talent, so Carr gets an extension. Joey, playing for the Asylum in Detroit gets listed as the #2 bust of all time. As a side note, judging by this piece, it looks like SI.com is in need of sports writers. Best part? No actual sports knowledge is required!!
As you can see, you would have an easier time finding a Teacher in California that doesn't want to dump Arnold than finding a person who doesn't know an Agent. Did Reggie Bush or his family receive benefits due to his status of being a star at USC? I'm sure they did. Do we know all the facts of this case? Absolutely not. Is this situation being blown out of proportion? Absolutely. Let the investigation play out before condemning the future #1 pick of the NFL Draft.
Earlier this week an Oklahoma man created quite a stir in his community when he placed a sign in his yard. Michael Theleman of Bray, Oklahoma advertised he would pay $1,000 for a virgin bride between the ages of 12 and 24. Succumbing to community pressure, he apparently replaced it with another sign where he reworded his message and left out any ages. At the Doghouse we don't feel Michael's future wedding plans should rest solely in God's hands, so we thought we might help him out by writing a personal add for him.
Just wanted to share a video I recently saw and enjoyed. If you enjoy the song I suggest purchasing their latest album. Edit: this was Savin Me by Nickleback, but thought I'd share a more obscure group instead.
In an effort to bring humor to Weimdog's Doghouse, I will post a joke every Friday. So here is Volume 1:
Anyone can play, the rules are simple. As members of the inner circle, cabinet, appointees, or family members resign, look for better opportunites, or leave home they get checked off. The first to complete a row horizontally, diagonally, or vertically wins. Also, if President Bush resigns, everyone is an automatic winner!
...at the end of the tunnel, and it comes out to a beach. South Beach in fact. After playing 4 years with an organization that let the inmates run the asylum Joey has declared that Miami is his one and only destination. So, unless a team like Denver wants to take on his remaining contract, the Lions can either just end it now and take a 6th round pick next year or a 7th this year. That, or wait until June and cut him for which they will receive nothing. While this news has just been released, it is interesting to read some of the backlash of the anti Joey fans. Calling this 'classless', 'showing his true colors'. I don't know about them, but if you were in Joey's position, for four years, I'm guessing most would have broken down and gone Columbine in the locker room years before. The Lions told Joey to give them a list of teams. He did. The organization has had three months to work a deal, and while he may be worth a day one pick, no team will give one for him because they know he will be released in the end. Frankly, with the Bengals signing of Wright today, there are really only one or two teams left. Make the trade, move on, let Joey do the same.
Funny how nations have double standards for immigration management. Seems that Mexico doesn't manage their immigrants from Central America quite as well as we do. Of course, that makes sense to a degree, when you read this article. Let me get this straight, Mexico, a country with a long, proud history, older than our own, takes pride in the fact that 6+ million of its' citizens are rallying to obtain citizenship in another country. That makes a lot of sense. I know quite a few Senators, Congressman, and other Political leaders I'd love to take pride in just about now, unfortunately, I doubt any other country would accept them.
Just over a week ago, the Doghouse warned everyone of an impending threat from across the Pond. Now it looks like it is already upon us.
I got hit with another one of these babies today, I'll add to the list as I recall them (try and surpress them as you can imagine) or as new lines get added.
A lot of the talking pundits today have raised the issue of the LA Clippers possibly 'tanking' their game against the Grizzlies in Memphis tonight. [For those that don't know, the Clippers and Grizzlies play in the National Basketball Association.] At issue is a favorable playoff seed. The Griz currently sit in the 5th slot, one game up on the Clippers, with each team having two games to play (including tonight's match-up). If the Clippers lose, then they guarantee themselves the #6 seed in the Western Conference. Why is it that important? The #5 seed has the honor of playing the #4 seed Dallas Mavericks, who happen to have won 60 games and hold the second best conference mark in the West. Then, if you happen to beat them in a best of 35 game series, you get to (probably) play the #1 seed San Antonio Spurs in the second round, who had the best mark in the West this year. Meanwhile, if you are the #6 seed, you will face the #3 seed Denver Nuggets, and, since you have a better record than the Nuggets, you will play at home. So, to summarize, if the Clippers win and end in the 5th slot, they get to play the next two rounds against teams that have won over 120 games this season. If they lose, they get to play the first round as the home team, against a franchise that is just returning a player recently shot while driving around on the local expressway.
They provided instead the latest team photo. As you can see, they are a young team, but hungry for some victories. I'll grant you that some of their starters are nursing injuries and have had to be replaced, but that is common late in the season. While the temporary replacements struggled at home against Seattle Sunday night, losing by double digits, in their defense, the game did not start until it was already past their bedtimes. All I know is, for those 20 or so odd people who care about basketball, that should be one heck of a game tonight in Memphis.
It doesn't seem to help that I hold the immunity amulets (aka, their leashes), every night it is the same ritual. Daddy stays up late watching sports, reading, surfing the net, and when he comes to bed, he finds that the natives have given him the boot.
Don't get me wrong, sleeping on the couch or spare bed is a right of passage for many men. My complaint is I do it to often without having earned it, you know, really messing up. Maybe I'll feel better if I download some porn.
This morning started as any typical Sunday morning. Late to bed Saturday night, then up at 1, 3, 5, and 7 to let the dogs out (they work on a rotation, taking turns getting me up). Hitting the road (it is best to sneak out during feeding time), I was off on a journey to the big box stores. Now, while that may sound boring to some (most, ok all) out here in Connecticut it has special meaning. Quality of the people? Availability of high end merchandise? Umm, no. It means I will be driving by the closest full retail Starbucks in my area! Those living in the Northwest just don't understand, so I'll try and fill you in on what it is like. In Connecticut, if you close your eyes and throw a rock you'll hit one of three things (in no particular order)
Seeing how it is Good Friday, we thought that it would be a good time to check in and see what is going on with our President this weekend.
As most NBA fans know (1,500 or so at last count), this has been a season of disappointment for the New York Knicks. While the team had high expectations with the arrival of Larry Brown, much of the season has been marked by the discord between Brown and their star player Stephon Marbury. In fact, many are already speculating that Marbury will not even be with the team next year. So what has really happened? Are all the problems truly about coaching and playing styles as we have been led to believe by the media? Well, at the Doghouse, we don't take what the media says at face value, so our crack team did a little research (emphasis on little). What we uncovered is a little shocking. It seems that before the season, in a gesture presumed to be purely good will, Larry Brown sent Stephon on an all expense paid, deluxe vacation to South Africa, where he could get some sun, snorkeling, and kayaking in. However, as you can see from this just released photo, it was anything but fun for Marbury this day.
Every week it seems we are hearing about sexual assault charges being brought up against female teachers for having sex with their students, in one case 28 times in one week. 28 times??? I have a term for that, I call it last year (jk). Speaking for myself, the teachers should all be charged to the fullest extent of the law. When dealing with minors there is no 'consensual' activity, and responsibility and blame falls squarely on the shoulders of the teachers. The reality, though, is there is one question on everyones mind... who turned them in? I'll bet my mortgage it wasn't the kids, they were living out (inappropriately) every typical middle aged boys fantasy. What kid that age doesn't start thinking about sex, especially in today's society. Who better to fixate on then the teachers you see day in and day out. Now, we aren't just talking less than attractive trolling for whatever they can get teachers, some of those charged would turn heads on a NYC street, which begs the question, what can a 12 year old boy offer that a 30 year old man can't? Honestly, I'm afraid to find out the answer. All I know is, if I'm suddenly single again, I'll be checking out the teachers lounge of my local schools first.
Have spent about 20 minutes playing this game called orboxdoxB. Interesting, certainly makes you think. Just started level 15. I'm sure I'll get sucked into the abyss again later. Nice thing is you can stop and restart where you left off (using the password).
As you know, the 2006 NFL Draft is coming up on April 29th in New York City. Unfortunately, that is 17 days to long for people with our attention spans. So, as only your friends at the Doghouse can do, we have stepped into our 'way back machine' (just facing the other way, ala Calvin and Hobbes) to view the first few picks live and in person (don't ask how we can report live from the future, something to do with quantum physics). Perfect, it looks like we are getting ready to start.
Sorry for the delay in reporting back to you, but we'll go back live to the draft now as the Titans come up for their pick. If it is like the first two picks, should be interesting.
Their damn puzzle games suck you in and before you know it there is a Bush in the whitehouse, again.... :o) Can you solve this one? I know I'll never get those 5 minutes of my life back, but at least I can say the frogs all line up...
...and the Pirate's ownership is not doing enough to build a winner in Pittsburgh. Michael Keaton had those words before throwing out the opening pitch in the Pirates home opener, wearing a Hines Ward 86 cap. Um, we all love Football Michael but can't you at least 'act' to care about Baseball? Who am I to talk though, I couldn't even tell you who won (unless you are talking about Seattle who has lost three in a row, darn those A's). Pirate's fans, have no fear. Honestly, do you really care what Keaton says? He reportedly even turned down a role as Captain Jack of Pirates of the Caribbean... Maybe if Michael says Beetlejuice three times his career will resuscitate.
Western Culture has now truly arrived in the Southwest Pacific. For those of you that may not have heard, Playboy has added Indonesia to its’ list of over 20 countries that receive a form of Hue’s magazine. Rather than make our readers wait for their copies to reach American shores, your diligent and thoughtful Doghouse staff has secreted away some photos from the newest publication.
While we have Christmas in April in 19 days (NFL Draft, woo hoo), i'm still figuring out what Peter owes Paul. Would have been done earlier, but on principal, I didn't want to disconnect my router, and of course, my tax program wouldn't work with it. Sigh. Half done, too sick to do the rest. April sucks (except for the Draft!)
As reported by the associated press in the washingtonpost.com, a 25 year old Wisconsin man was sentenced to one year of jail and ten years of probation for his second conviction for stealing panties. While the latest charge involves the theft of three pairs of 'distinctive' looking panties, overall police say they can link him to 854 thefts. His sentence carries a $2,500 fine (that’s a lot of panties) and, more importantly, he will now have to register as a sex offender. Excuse me? This man may be a lot of things, an idiot, habitual B&E felon, but sex offender? He hasn't proven to be a menace to women, just to their clothing, and while I don't pretend to be an expert on the subject, but is there truly a correlation between habitual panty theft and rape/sexual abuse of women? Are we saying midnight panty raids at band camp are no longer mischievous acts but sexual assault? What is the charge for men who like wearing women's underwear (they feel natural, not that I would know)? Conversely, is this another case of different levels of justice for men and women? Next time your girlfriend steals your boxers on a lazy Sunday afternoon does she run the risk of incarceration?
256 Number of regular season games we have to look forward to in the NFL in 2006. Coincidently, it is also same number of times WRs dropped passes, ran the wrong route, or weren’t activated to play while Joey was quarterback in Detroit. (+/-6)
Lead story on the 11:00 CBS (local) evening news is about the hunt for an online predator. Apparently, a 21 year old man from CT has been meeting girls using the website Myspace.com, and the police now have a warrant for his arrest for statutory rape. The suspect has apparently fled the jurisdiction, but the police are confident they will catch him. Why you may ask? Well, as they announce to all of Connecticut on the news, Myspace has flagged his account and will notify the police immediately when he logs in again. Now, I’m not a criminologist, but when you have a suspect at large, wouldn’t it make sense not to inform them how they might be caught?
Microsoft corp. announced this week that it is adding 100 customer service positions in its’ Fargo, ND location. While I fully support Microsoft’s initiative at improving customer service for their office products, I’m just concerned about a growing trend in corporations these days to outsource jobs away from Americans. Now I’m not defining “Americans” as people who actually hold US Citizenship (of which we seem to be close to adding 11 million more) but rather those that live as Americans. Case in point, according to the FBI, North Dakota has one of the lowest crime rates in the nation. Does that sound like your city or state? If there aren’t at least three shootings a week around here you have to figure either the media isn’t reporting the news, or it’s a bad day to leave the house.
The NBC news show, “Dateline NBC” has raised the ire of NASCAR during its’ latest investigative report. Operating from results of a recent Washington Post/ABC News poll that NBC apparently found ‘intriguing’, the show has launched a nationwide look into a (reportedly) growing anti-Muslim sentiment in America. [In a side note, CBS will investigate why NBC is operating from data collected by ABC. FOX has declined to get involved, simply stating that this administration is doing one heck of a job.] Dateline sent Muslim looking men (otherwise known as Muslims) and camera crews to the NASCAR race held in Martinsville, VA last weekend to capture the reactions of fans to their presence. As with most ideas originating from NBC, nothing happened. The fans had no visible reaction to their presence, although when they left the race the Danish fans came out of hiding. NBC is confident that their reporting teams are pursuing this alleged anti-Muslim sentiment in America story in a fair manner, and that this is just the first of many stops in this story. While NBC may feel confident, we in the Doghouse don’t share that sentiment. Why? NBC has apparently repressed the results of previous, less than satisfactory, undercover sting operations….
or this dismal idea...
We at the Doghouse only hope that the people with NBC will gain control of this latest venture before it too gets out of hand.
After 9,000 years it is nice to see that some things haven’t changed. Take for instance the recent discovery that prehistoric man not only had the gift of fire, speech, and tools, but the ability to inflict excruciating pain on family and friends. We’re not talking about being forced to watch your nephew’s kindergarten play on the food groups or looking at Aunt Dora’s fat camp vacation photos. Ancient Dental tools were discovered in a Pakistani graveyard, along with numerous human skulls showing finely drilled holes in their teeth, proving that Dentistry has been an inconvenience for more than 9,000 years now. Based on evidence collected at the scene with tour guide Osama bin Laden, we were able to piece together an example of how Dentistry worked then, which allows us to provide you with a contrast to today’s modern practice.
In the news today was the story of the second deputy vice first alternate rainy day nephews press secretary stand in. Proving that the Homeland Security department is not merely another large American bureaucracy, but rather an American bureaucracy with so much time on its hand its’ members have taken to searching for Osama Bin Laden in the Britney Spears chat rooms of the world. Here, these devilishly smart individuals realize that to pierce the disguise of the terrorists, they need to convince them that they are harmless middle aged men working for the department of Homeland Security only looking for cyber and real life sex with young 14 year old girls. If not for the hard work of cyber sex units in Florida, we may have had a shot to penetrate the latest cell of young girl terrorists, but thanks to their actions now we will never know what their latest mall shopping, boy swaping, slumber party plans are.
With the season kicking off on Sunday and the media already overwhelming us with the Yankees, Steroids, and Bonds conversations, I thought I’d take a little time to highlight some of the more overlooked reasons we have to be excited that Baseball is back on again….
Just be thankful you don't all live where I do... I'm stuck between Yankee fans and Red Sox Nation here in Connecticut. Don't know if I want to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge or dive into the HAARboor.
No, I wasn't back home in Sherwood playing 'tip the cow' with the old John Deere. What happened today was a relapse. I had been hooked for years, the habit was engrained in my very fiber, so much a part of me that I felt empty without it. One misstep, though, and three months of abstinence, of living without, came rushing back like the Red Sea. That’s right, I'm an eBay addict. While it has been months since I have bought or sold on this devilishly addicting site, it all changed today. One innocent bid led to another and, before you know it, you've bid on 27 items, some of which you don't even remember seeing. Since I've kicked the habit before I know the signs when you are being sucked back into the endless bidding bliss that is eBay, but I realized others may not be so fortunate. Therefore, being the kind, gentle, always thinking of others guy I am, I put together a small list of signs you are addicted to eBay....
Cool, I'm highest bidder now, have to go.